Viewing the '$20 Challenge' Category
April 11th, 2006 at 04:15 pm
WooHoo! I received two unexpected checks in the mail. The first was $10, for a voucher I sent in for one of those trial memberships. (I cancelled the membership and never thought I would see the $10!). The second was a $5 rebate from Amazon for something I bought for Christmas. I threw out the packing slip needed to redeem the rebate, but sent in the form with a nice little note about how I didn't have the slip, but had the UPC code...it took so long that I didn't think they'd honor it but they did. Yay!
In other challenge news, I received an email from IDT. A few years back, I had their unlimited everything service for $40. (Also referred my dad). Apparently they were charging customers for the gov't surcharge, but not forwarding the money onto the gov't. So a class action suit was filed. Depending on when you were a customer, you get either a $15 or $25 paid phone card. I'll file the claim for me and my dad. It won't be resolved until July-August, but it's something to look forward to!
New Total: $688.22/$2000
Outstanding items: $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $2.20 (Eckerd March), Walgreens Mar (6.30), RiteAid Mar (6.50), half.com (?)
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$20 Challenge
April 4th, 2006 at 04:54 pm
The challenge is 1/4 over, so I tallied everything up to see how I'm doing.
Bank Bonuses ($900) - So far I've received $175, with another $200 outstanding. I didn't do a new one in March and probably won't in April. Instead, I'm cleaning up some accounts to get myself organized.
Books ($360) - Ebook finally came through with all of their payments. My new total in this category is $136.33. Half.com alone won't be enough to reach my goal of $360, so I think I'll try ebook again, though cautiously.
Rebates ($120) - I've received $89 so far, so I'll easily surpass this goal. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well this category is working for me.
Recycling ($100) - $1.95 so far. Should I even bother listing it anymore?
Other ($520) - $226.93 so far. The gift cards from the trial memberships really boosted this total.
Daily Savings - $69.01 - I added this category last month and don't really have a target. The key is actually transferring the money I save when using coupons, forgoing something, etc.
New Total: $673.22/$2000
Outstanding items: $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $2.20 (Eckerd March), Walgreens Mar (?), RiteAid Mar (?), half.com (?)
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$20 Challenge
March 29th, 2006 at 12:23 am
I'm usually on this site 2 or 3 times throughout the day, so I've definitely missed not having it lately!
The last few days, as expected, have been expensive, and I've been so busy at work and home that I haven't even been able to look at the budget. I hope to get to it tonight or tomorrow (Friday at the latest) and it ain't gonna be pretty!
I'm adding 30.69 to my challenge account: Ebookdrop came through with the last of my money ($15.69) so now they don't owe me anything. I also got the $10 Kimberly Clark rebate sent to Dad's (amazing!) and I saved $4 at ColdStone Creamery by using a b1g1 coupon.
I also mailed out the March rebates for Eckerd, Walgreens and RiteAid. Most of the rebate total won't apply to the challenge because I'm just stocking up. But stuff I usually buy, or coupons I use count.
Just trying to get through the last few days of the month without completely breaking the bank...
New total: $655.75
Outstanding items: $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $2.20 (Eckerd March), Walgreens Mar, RiteAid Mar
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
March 23rd, 2006 at 03:24 am
Three additions to the challenge today: I got $20 in Exxon gift cards from one of the signups, I (finally!!!) got the $10 referral bonus from Pioneer Telephone, and I saved $1.95 at the grocery store ($1.50 coupons, $.45 recyclables!).
I never made it to the bank today, but I did manage to get to Rite Aid for their rebate items. Everything was free after rebate, but the only money I'll add to the challenge is my coupon savings, as the stuff I bought was "stock up" stuff that I wouldn't have bought without the rebate.
New total: $625.06
Outstanding items: $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC)
I'm getting into this MyPoints thing. I took advantage of a trial offer from them (no gift cards ) that will get me 750 points, and I just need to cancel within 30 days. I'm going to save these gift cards, along with the free membership ones, and save them to offset Christmas costs.
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$20 Challenge
March 22nd, 2006 at 01:00 am
I'm working from home tomorrow. In addition to a boatload of work that I need to get done, I have a few errands to take care of as well as clean the house and do some laundry. I hope I'll be productive.
I'm making some more progress on my challenge. I received the $10 Pepsi rebate today. I also received the $40 in gas vouchers, but I can't tell if you need to be an active member to use them. I'll send them in and see what happens. I'm also going to open my next bank account tomorrow. A local bank, Valley National, is giving a $50 bonus for opening a checking account. No direct deposit is required, and I'm not sure what the minimum deposit is. I'll give it a go...
New total: $593.11
Outstanding items: $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC)
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
March 20th, 2006 at 11:33 pm
As hoped for, today was a good mail day. I received my Kimberly Clark rebate (I'll call down to Dad to tell him to be on the lookout for the one I sent to him...he usually throws out anything that looks like junk). I also received the $20 in Circuit City gcs from a trial membership. Finally, I'll add in the $27.69 that I finally got from ebook (I think I'm still waiting on about $8) and the $3.82 from Amazon, which I received last week but never updated. So that brings my new total to:
New total: $583.11
Outstanding items: $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $40 gas vouchers (AutoAdvantage)
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$20 Challenge
March 20th, 2006 at 03:37 pm
We had a great trip...the weather was much nicer in Cary, NC then home. We made great time driving (about 8 1/2 hours), and our only expenses were $165 for the basketball tickets and the gas (about $75 round-trip). We also got a pizza for dinner last night ($11). An excellent weekend.
I stopped my mail while we were gone, and am hoping that when I pick it up later I'll have some more gift cards/rebates, etc. I cancelled two more trial memberships...they are persistent in trying to keep you a customer, but I try to be patient knowing they are just reading from a script. I have a few more to go.
I also need to take stock of my challenge pretty soon. I have another bank offer to go for. It expires on 3/31, doesn't require direct deposit, and is local and convenient, but I just don't feel like I'm ready to take advantage of it yet. I need to get my act together over the next few days.
I also need to stop at Walgreens and RiteAid to get some items they're rebating. I'll try to do that today.
It's great being away, but also great being home...loads of laundry waiting...
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
March 17th, 2006 at 03:06 am
Wow, this is great news...ebookdrop finally made good on $17.12 of outstanding orders. (I have another $20 or so that I'm still waiting for). I also see that Ender513 was paid, so I'm hoping that the rest of my payments (and everyone else's) trickle in. I'm so relieved. I felt so bad that I was such a big proponent of this company based on my previous good luck with them, and was talking them up in my blog, then all of a sudden nobody was getting paid! I know it's not my fault, but it's like recommending a restaurant to a friend then having them get food poisoning! Suffice it to say that I'll wait to get the rest of my money, and catch up with other people's blogs before slowly dipping my toe in the ebook pool again.
On to other pleasant surprises...I just got an email from Office Max that they received the rebate form for the shredder they were giving away FAR with Turbo Tax. I sent this in back in early January and assumed it was lost forever. I needed a shredder anyway, so I wasn't devastated at the prospect of not getting the rebate, but I'll be happier to get it, for sure.
I arrived in NC last night around midnight. For Perky and Ima and anyone else who lives here, I think you're awfully lucky. Everytime we come, the weather is great, the people are nice and it it SO RELAXING! I just love it!
So that's the story for today. For anyone else waiting for ebook, please let me know how you made out, because it would really give my challenge a boost if I could start using them again...
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$20 Challenge
March 13th, 2006 at 11:13 pm
I received three more gift cards from those trial memberships...2x$20 Circuit City and $20 Lowes. I also cancelled the first two trials, long before my 30-day trial was done. I received my Eckerd rebate from February but am still waiting on Walgreens. So here's where I stand:
New total: $521.60
Outstanding items: $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $3.82 (Amazon), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $40 gas vouchers (AutoAdvantage)
In other news, had a HUGE spending day on clothes yesterday. Bought spring clothes for the kids, hubby and me. I still need to get some more clothes for work, and the kids and I will need new shoes. I'll try to time the sales, use coupons, etc. to hold the cost down.
Can't wait until payday on the 15th!
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$20 Challenge
March 11th, 2006 at 03:28 am
Turns out I didn't by Colgate Total, but instead bought a different kind of Colgate, so I was denied the rebate. Oh well, these things happen, and it's a lesson to me to be more careful next time. Fortunately, I had double coupons for the toothpaste that made them practically free, and the other items I bought were hubby's deoderant, which I would have bought anyway.
Today was gorgeous...high of 72! We spent a few hours in the park after school, and are planning on going bike riding tomorrow. I also have a bunch of errands to do tomorrow, including dropping off stuff at the dry cleaner, depositing two checks in the bank, going back to ShopRite for a credit. (The cashier forgot to scan my club card, which resulted in me missing about $6 in savings!). Then I'm off to BJs for the big hit. I also desperately need to do some clothes shopping for me, the kids and hubby. Fortunately I have some gift cards and coupons, so I'm hoping the cash out of pocket won't be too bad. That's about it for tonight...
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
March 9th, 2006 at 11:14 pm
Twas a good challenge day...First, I received the $75 bonus from Chase. So quick...I opened the account on 2/15 and got the $100 check today. If the same thing happens as last year, I'll get an offer to open up a savings account with them for a $50 bonus in a month or two.
I also need to add in some outstanding items. First, I'm waiting on $15 in gas vouchers from a PNC promotion. (Current PNC checking account holders - call 1-800-808-3972 and listen to a spiel on Insurance Protector Plus. Good till 5/31). I also signed up for one of Flash's deals for $40 in gas vouchers.
I've also forgotten to subtract out the $1 per trial offer (total of $6 so far).
New total: $459.22 (incl Chase, my postage savings, and my Amazon profit)
Outstanding items: $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $3.82 (Amazon), $10 CC gc (great fun), $20 cc gc (buyers advantage), $20 lowes gc (complete home), $15 gas vouchers (PNC), $40 gas vouchers (AutoAdvantage)
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$20 Challenge
March 8th, 2006 at 04:50 pm
I try to write out very few checks. When I can, I have companies automatically charge my credit card so I get the rewards. (PIF each month). When I can't, I have them automatically debit my checking account.
I went back through my checkbook and credit card statements from January and February and added up how many checks I didn't write. (Only for bills, if I used my debit card for something I could have written a check or paid cash for, it didn't count). Assuming $.02/check (buy the discounted box of 200 for $4.00) and $.37/stamp, I saved $10.14 in January and $9.75 in February (26 and 25 checks not written, respectively). That's on track to be $120/year. Not to mention the peace of mind knowing that I wasn't going to accidentally miss a bill/pay late.
Here's the list of things I paid via cc or direct debit: cell phone, credit card bills, car payments, electric, 529 investments, heloc payments, gas, satellite, mortgage, internet, exterminator, life insurance, magazine subscription, telephone, auto insurance, ezpass, AAA. So I'm transferring $19.89 to my challenge, as this is money I would have otherwise spent, and I'll continue tracking through the rest of the year.
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$20 Challenge
March 7th, 2006 at 11:07 pm
First, I mailed the book for the Amazon sale...I only made a whopping $.50, because I needed to buy the padded envelope. (I was all out ). Still better than nothing, and I'm happy to be rid of another book...
Second, I signed up for one more trial membership today, as well as for a bunch of free samples. I'm keeping pretty organized notes as to when to cancel them all...thanks for the heads up, Diva, that they may try to give a hard sell...
Third, for any NJ Saving Advicers...I just received an offer in the mail with my gas bill. For $5, the gas company will send you a "Gas Cost Cutter Kit", which includes weather stripping, a low flow shower head, a low flow kitchen aerator, a low flow bathroom aerator, electric outlet gaskets, 2" clear tape and a saving energy guide. Although it's pretty late in the year now, I'll order it for next year. My gas company is PSE&G, but it's a state program, so any resident should qualify. Call 1-866-522-3806 or your gas company for more info.
Finally, my other great savings news for the day: I volunteer at DD's CCD in the Child Care room. This year, tuition was waived for teachers and aides (but not child care people). Next year, they're waiving tuition for all volunteers. Because DS will be in CCD next year as well as DD, that's saving me $130 for the year. Normally, I'd love to see this money go to my challenge, but given the tight month we had in February, I think I'll keep it where it is...
So all in all, a pretty good saving day.
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$20 Challenge,
March 7th, 2006 at 02:52 pm
So I need to add the $25 from the gardening company and the $10 from the Del Monte rebate in my new total. I also need to add the gift cards ($10 cc, $20 cc, $20 lowes) to my outstanding items.
New total: $338.92
Outstanding items: $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $3.82 (Amazon), $10 CC gc, $20 cc gc, $20 lowes gc
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$20 Challenge
March 6th, 2006 at 10:52 pm
Unfortunately, no coupons attached to it, but it's $10 into my challenge, nonetheless. I stopped at Walgreens and picked up one more FAR item, and stopped at Rite Aid for their new rebate circular. I also signed up for 3 more gift cards from Flash's email. Wahoo.
Had an interesting conversation at Dad's this weekend. I was telling two of my sisters about the challenge, my bank bonuses, rebates, etc. One of them (who retired early and is incredibly great financial shape) thought it was great and wanted me to start sending really good deals her way. The other sister (who does fine, but doesn't plan much and kind of lives for today) thought I was out of my mind. She said she just didn't see herself spending the time it takes to do these things. I tried explaining that 1) it doesn't take THAT much time, 2) I tend to do a lot of this while I'm doing other things (watching tv), and 3) yeah, each $2 or $3 thing isn't any great shake, but when you add it all up at the end of the year and it's $1000 or $1500 or more, that's pretty good. I may as well have spoken to a brick wall...
So that's it for today. I need to update my price book this week, and take care of a few administrative things...
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
March 5th, 2006 at 03:57 pm
Way to go Flash!! I signed up for Everyday Values and Great Fun and already received the 2 gift cards! I held off on the rest of the offers to make sure these came through, so I'll be signing up for them tonight!
I also sold a book on Amazon. I'll get a total of $3.82 minus shipping. I'll update my totals tomorrow after I mail it out.
I checked out the mail monitoring links that Amy752 listed. One of them looked like my zip code wasn't taken, but I chickened out when they wanted my SS number. I guess it's because I never heard of the company before. I'll need to do some due diligence before signing up with them. They basically send mail to your house under different names and you need to log it on their website (and save it for 6 months). You get $.25/piece of mail ($.50 + shipping if they need you to mail it back to them). I'd need to collect 80 pieces of mail to get $20/month. Not sure if it's worth it.
New total: $303.92
Outstanding items: $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons), $3.82 (Amazon)
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$20 Challenge
March 3rd, 2006 at 08:28 pm
I got a catalogue in the mail yesterday from Gardens Alive offering me $25 off (no minimum required!). Usually when I get these offers, it's $25 off if you buy $50 or more, so this is a great deal! We're going to order string bean seeds, arugala seeds, and a mix to prevent rot on tomatoes (we've ordered it before from them and it seems to work). With shipping, my total will come to about $27-$25=$2. I'll add the $25 to my challenge, because we would have bought the seeds and the tomato stuff anyway.
Also, I received my free samples of bounce and gain in the mail. Love those freebies!
I'm off to take DS to the doctor...have a great weekend everyone!
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$20 Challenge
March 2nd, 2006 at 06:58 pm
Not much on the financial front. I went to the grocery store yesterday. Spent about $62, but $42 of it was for dinner I'm making for friends this Saturday, so I'm counting it as "entertainment" instead of "groceries". The other $20 counts, though. I also got gas today to the tune of $41.00. I didn't list the books on half.com last night (too busy watching American Idol). I'll try to get to them today.
It's snowing here. I wisely anticipated that DD would have a half-day, so I kept her out of school and brought her to my MIL's with my son while I went to work. (Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to get her early). Because I didn't need to rush back to get her from school, I took a different way into work that saved me $20. I need to deposit it in my challenge account today before I end up using it on something unnecessary!
New total: $303.92
Outstanding items: $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $2 (Chandon rebate), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $20 Exxon Card (Great Fun), $20 BBB card (Everyday Values), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons)
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Groceries / Dining Out,
$20 Challenge
March 1st, 2006 at 09:57 pm
So the challenge is 1/6 over. I took a few minutes to see how I'm doing:
1) Bank bonuses - (Goal: $900) - So far, I've received $75 and have another $300 on the way. I have my next two offers, for $50 (Mar) and $100 (Apr) lined up; I just need to review the details of each.
2) Books - (Goal: $360) - I'm taking the ebook items off my outstanding list. If they ever end up paying out it will be gravy. Between them and half.com, I've already received $72.01. It's going to be tough to get to $360 though.
3) Rebates - (Goal: $120) - I'm doing great here. I've already received $49 and am waiting on $115.38 more. I think the shortfall from the books will be made up here. I just never realized there were so many out there!
4) Recycling - (Goal: $100) - I don't know what I was smoking when I came up with this number...I have a total of $1.50 so far. Just don't see this happening at all!
5) Other - (Goal: $520) - So far I've gotten $49 from referrals, keep the change and other miscellaneous things.
6) Daily savings that I actually move - (New Category) - I don't really have a goal here. I just started it after seeing Ima's success. From now on, when I use coupons, discounted gift cards, and do other things to save money I would normally spend, the money is going in here. This could be a huge category for me, I just need to be disciplined enough to actually move the money. So far I have $33.09.
So that means I have $263.92 already, and another $415.38 outstanding, so at least I'm on track to meet my $2000 goal.
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$20 Challenge
February 27th, 2006 at 02:57 pm
Between the savings from the video rental and coupons I used while shopping for my dad, I have $33.09 to add to my challenge. I transferred the funds to my challenge account this morning 
New total: $263.92
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $20 Exxon Card (Great Fun), $20 BBB card (Everyday Values), $5 (GG Rebate), $10 (Barber coupons)
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$20 Challenge
February 27th, 2006 at 04:03 am
I'm always amazed at the amount Ima manages to sock away each day, so I'm taking a page from her book: I'm going to start adding daily savings to my challenge total. I've always used coupons and the like, but I never actually kept the savings separate, until now.
Today was a good day to start...We rented Madagascar yesterday from a nearby library for $1 (instead of $4 at the rental place, plus $4 for the extra video that hubby would have picked up for us ). So that's $7 right there. I also went grocery shopping for my dad and used a bunch of coupons, so I'll tally them up and transfer that money to my challenge account as well. I'll update my totals tomorrow.
I also filled out 2 rebates today: $5 for Green Giant veggies and $10 in coupons for Barber foods. I hit Eckerd and Walgreens and picked up a bunch of their rebate items (with more coupons!), but I'll hold off mailing them out for another few weeks.
Finally, my brother gave me a bunch of books that he was finished with. Two hardcovers and the rest paperbacks. I'll list them on half.com...I'm not expecting much because they're pretty run of the mill, but anything's better than nothing.
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$20 Challenge
February 23rd, 2006 at 05:12 pm
I know I have raved about this bank in the forums, but they really seem to be a top-notch outfit. They have a promotion for the kids, where they will pay 10% interest on balances up to $500 (Guaranteed, FDIC insured). Kids must be under 16 to open an account. I did this for my two last year, and it's been great.
Then they have a deal where you open a checking account with $100 and DD, and they'll give you a $75 bonus. I just checked and my bonus was deposited on 1/17, exactly one month after I opened the account.
Every time I've dealt with them, they've been professional and responsive. I've had to do everything online/over the phone (they're located in California), and have had no problem. I've dealt with a lot of banks taking advantage of these offers, and this is one of the best...OK, enough gushing.
New total: $230.83
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $20 Exxon Card (Great Fun), $20 BBB card (Eeryday Values)
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$20 Challenge
February 23rd, 2006 at 02:56 pm
Thanks to an excellent email from Flash, I signed up for 2 30-day trials that will get me a $20 Exxon card and a $20 BBB card. Each cost $1. There were others that I could do, but I figured I would start with these and see how they go.
New total: $155.83
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $75 (Affinity Bank), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd), $20 Exxon Card (Great Fun), $20 BBB card (Eeryday Values)
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$20 Challenge
February 22nd, 2006 at 04:03 pm
It's a small one, but I received the $4.10 from half.com. I also forgot to update my total for the $2 phone card, so I included that, too. I mailed out the February Walgreens and Eckerds rebates. I'll get $10.97 and $4.13 back from them, although only $1.00 and $2.38 will go into my challenge, because I wouldn't have bought the other stuff without the rebate.
New total: $157.83
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $75 (Affinity Bank), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $100 (Chase), $1.00 (Feb Walgreens), $2.38 (Feb Eckerd)
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$20 Challenge
February 21st, 2006 at 11:09 pm
Finally! Today was a great mail day. I received two rebates: The $20 rebate for Norton Security, which will count toward my challenge, and a $29.99 rebate for Quicken (bought it with Turbo Tax), which won't count toward my challenge, because I wouldn't have bought it anyway, but it's still nice to get! Also, I finally received a $25 referral bonus from BOA (thanks JodiM). I gave up on this because it seems like forever since she signed up, but now I'm adding it to my challenge as well.
New total: $151.73
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $75 (Affinity Bank), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $4.10 (half.com), $100 (Chase)
I've pretty much given up on ebook...I've sent them two emails for information, tried calling their 800 number and their online help is always offline. I'll leave the outstanding items on my list in case they come through, but I'm not holding my breath. The rest of the stuff on my outstanding list is pretty much the "sit and wait" type.
I'm going to look into two new ideas for my challenge. The first is to find a replacement for ebook. I have two in mind (one is swapbook, I forget the other). Hopefully one of these will pan out. The second is to look into some of these trial memberships that offer gift cards as an incentive. I can use the cards for gifts and put the cash in my challenge account. I'll pursue these and see what else I can think of...
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$20 Challenge
February 19th, 2006 at 04:45 pm
I signed up for the $2 phone card from Shell (listed in the freebies forum) and got it already! Wow, that was fast. I'll be adding the $2 to my challenge.
I finally got whatever stomach thing the rest of the family had last week. It came at 11:00 Friday night and lasted just about 24 hours. All I could do Saturday was take a bath and sleep on the couch. We did manage to go to dinner at a friend's house (previously planned) because I was starting to feel a bit better. We bought dessert, but no money out of pocket.
Today we're planning on seeing Curious George, then going for pizza for dinner. We're all off tomorrow, and the kids are off from school Tuesday but hubby and I have to work, so they're going to grandmas tomorrow.
That's about it...it's been a really quiet weekend.
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings
February 16th, 2006 at 05:36 pm
A wierd thing happened...I got an email with a comment on my $20 challenge, but I don't see the comment listed. Anyway, the person wondered how I was taking advantage of all of these bank bonuses, between direct deposit requirements and whether or not I'd be blacklisted for opening and closing so many.
I'm allowed up to 4 direct deposits by my employer. (I'm sure hubby's company allows multiple ones too, but I haven't needed to look into that). I have just now reached the point where I need to close out an account in order to make room for another. Many of the accounts I open are either savings accounts or checking accounts that don't require DDs, which is how I've been able to manage so many thus far. (I've also done 529 accounts and Sharebuilder, which don't require dds).
Also, I don't always close the accounts right away. Many posters on this site use an envelope system to help them with their expense tracking. I do a similar thing with my accounts. I have a checking account that I use to pay my property taxes, another for my auto insurance, and I'm going to use one of my new ones for my quarterly federal tax payments. Each month I deposit a set amount into each of these accounts, then pay the respective bills from there. I have a savings account dedicated to my $20 challenge, and another for regular savings. So although some accounts certainly do get closed when the waiting period is over, I'd say it's the exception rather than the rule.
Also, to answer another question about bank bonuses that I've seen, I have not yet had a problem with opening too many accounts. I try to keep it to no more than 4 in 3 months, because I've read that that's the magic number, and I've been fine. The biggest problem is that it's an organizational headache...
For those who are looking to increase their challenge totals, this can be a great plan. I made $710 in 2005 opening accounts for myself (and in some cases hubby and the kids) and my goal for 2006 is $900. Good luck!
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$20 Challenge
February 15th, 2006 at 05:32 pm
I mailed the book for half.com. It cost me $.87 to mail, and I'll be getting $4.10 back. I also signed up for the Chase checking account today, which will get me a $100 bonus.
I need to get creative and think of more ideas for my challenge. The Chase bonus was my third one since Jan 1, and I want to take a break before taking advantage of the next one ($50 from Valley National - expires March 31). I'm not sending anything to ebook until (unless) I get paid for my outstanding orders, so that's on hold. I do have a few things to list on ebay, but I'm going to wait until they have one of their listing deals. In addition (or otherwise) I have a bunch of stuff that I could sell at a garage sale. The only problem is that I don't want to host one! Last year, my sister and her boyfriend had one and asked if we wanted to get rid of anything, but I didn't have my act together in time. Maybe I'll suggest they hold another .
New total: $106.73
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $75 (Affinity Bank), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $20 (Norton Security rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97), $4.10 (half.com), $100 (Chase)
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$20 Challenge
February 14th, 2006 at 03:52 pm
I received the rebate from the board games I got for Christmas, and I got the tube of toothpaste from Tom's of Maine. So I'll add the $11.50 to my challenge for a new total of $107.60. Also, I sold a book at half.com for $2+shipping. I'll update that after I mail it out and see what shipping actually costs.
Tomorrow, I'm going to open an account at Chase. A new branch opened up and they're having "double bonus days" through this week. If you open an account with $100, you get a $100 bonus. The account needs to stay open 6 months.
New total: $107.60
Outstanding items: $3.81 (ebook), $75 (Affinity Bank), $10 (Del Monte Rebate), $10 (Colgate Rebate), $20 (Norton Security rebate), $5 (Amazon Rebate - not sure if I'm getting this because I didn't submit the packing slip), $10.57 (ebook), $10 (Kimberly Clark Rebate), $4.58 (ebook), $10 (2nd Kimberly Clark Rebate), $10 (Pepsi rebate), $100 (Citi bonus 1), $100 (Citi bonus 2), $5.08 (ebook), $10.61 (ebook), $2 (Chandon rebate), ebook ($1.97)
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$20 Challenge
February 13th, 2006 at 02:46 pm
I looked back at my last entry and saw that we were expecting 6-12" of snow. Yeah, right. 20 inches was more like it! Fortunately, we have a snowblower (great investment made AFTER the blizzard of 1996!), but the snow was so wet and heavy (and so much) that it still took hubby a long time to do the driveway. The kids loved it, though...
Friday I did pick up the free stuff at Walgreens. Plan is to get the rebate back as a Walgreens gift card and pick up the 10% bonus. (Total=$10 + $1 bonus). The $1 bonus will go toward my challenge, the rest back in my account, as I wouldn't have bought the stuff w/o the rebate. The kids also went for haircuts - $35 total. I've got to check out the local coupons to find a cheaper place.
Saturday, I went to used book sales at two libraries. Given my recent uneasiness with ebookdrop, I decided to just write down all of the ISBNs and not buy anything. The libraries have sales each month, so I figure if I get paid for my outstanding orders between now and then, I'll run the numbers through their site and pick up the books. Otherwise, it was a couple of hours wasted. I'm really bummed about all this. The optimist in me says that it seems like a small outfit and they're really overwhelmed with all of the orders and are just slow in paying out. The pessimist says they're going out of business and won't make good on their outstanding orders. Which is right? Anyway, I'm waiting on a total of $36.62 from them, for which I paid $8.64 so other than a lot of aggravation, at least I won't be out much.
Spent about $130 on groceries, most of which were fresh fish, meat and veggies. I've been overbudget on groceries so far in Feb., but I don't think I need to hit BJs this month, so I can make up for it there.
Love the crockpot...used it once over the weekend and have two more recipes to try out this week. That's about it for now...
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$20 Challenge,
Random Musings,
Goal Tracking / Monthly Recaps