Home > Good saving day :)

Good saving day :)

March 7th, 2006 at 11:07 pm

First, I mailed the book for the Amazon sale...I only made a whopping $.50, because I needed to buy the padded envelope. (I was all out Frown). Still better than nothing, and I'm happy to be rid of another book...

Second, I signed up for one more trial membership today, as well as for a bunch of free samples. I'm keeping pretty organized notes as to when to cancel them all...thanks for the heads up, Diva, that they may try to give a hard sell...

Third, for any NJ Saving Advicers...I just received an offer in the mail with my gas bill. For $5, the gas company will send you a "Gas Cost Cutter Kit", which includes weather stripping, a low flow shower head, a low flow kitchen aerator, a low flow bathroom aerator, electric outlet gaskets, 2" clear tape and a saving energy guide. Although it's pretty late in the year now, I'll order it for next year. My gas company is PSE&G, but it's a state program, so any resident should qualify. Call 1-866-522-3806 or your gas company for more info.

Finally, my other great savings news for the day: I volunteer at DD's CCD in the Child Care room. This year, tuition was waived for teachers and aides (but not child care people). Next year, they're waiving tuition for all volunteers. Because DS will be in CCD next year as well as DD, that's saving me $130 for the year. Normally, I'd love to see this money go to my challenge, but given the tight month we had in February, I think I'll keep it where it is...

So all in all, a pretty good saving day.

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