Home > Mounds of snow...

Mounds of snow...

February 13th, 2006 at 02:46 pm

I looked back at my last entry and saw that we were expecting 6-12" of snow. Yeah, right. 20 inches was more like it! Fortunately, we have a snowblower (great investment made AFTER the blizzard of 1996!), but the snow was so wet and heavy (and so much) that it still took hubby a long time to do the driveway. The kids loved it, though...

Friday I did pick up the free stuff at Walgreens. Plan is to get the rebate back as a Walgreens gift card and pick up the 10% bonus. (Total=$10 + $1 bonus). The $1 bonus will go toward my challenge, the rest back in my account, as I wouldn't have bought the stuff w/o the rebate. The kids also went for haircuts - $35 total. I've got to check out the local coupons to find a cheaper place.

Saturday, I went to used book sales at two libraries. Given my recent uneasiness with ebookdrop, I decided to just write down all of the ISBNs and not buy anything. The libraries have sales each month, so I figure if I get paid for my outstanding orders between now and then, I'll run the numbers through their site and pick up the books. Otherwise, it was a couple of hours wasted. I'm really bummed about all this. The optimist in me says that it seems like a small outfit and they're really overwhelmed with all of the orders and are just slow in paying out. The pessimist says they're going out of business and won't make good on their outstanding orders. Which is right? Anyway, I'm waiting on a total of $36.62 from them, for which I paid $8.64 so other than a lot of aggravation, at least I won't be out much.

Spent about $130 on groceries, most of which were fresh fish, meat and veggies. I've been overbudget on groceries so far in Feb., but I don't think I need to hit BJs this month, so I can make up for it there.

Love the crockpot...used it once over the weekend and have two more recipes to try out this week. That's about it for now...

2 Responses to “Mounds of snow...”

  1. PamelaB Says:

    The only luck with ebookdrop that I've had is with my college textbooks from the previous semester. The sad part is knowing that I had to pay $135 for a book, then only get paid $14 via ebookdrop. (usually I'm able to sell them back to my university bookstore for at least 1/2 the purchase price, so the one's I've sent off to ebookdrop are the books I can't sell back to school). Oh well.. $14 is better than nothing! :-)

  2. Joe Wenzel Says:

    I've dealt with ebookdrop twice with no problems. I live in NY so it takes two weeks for the books via media mail (which they pay for) to make it to Seattle. Then another week for them to mail me my check (actually a money order). So, if you don't receive your check via mail in three weeks from the date you mailed them to ebookdrop, I'd call them to at least see if they received your package.

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