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Never added it up before...

March 8th, 2006 at 04:50 pm

I try to write out very few checks. When I can, I have companies automatically charge my credit card so I get the rewards. (PIF each month). When I can't, I have them automatically debit my checking account.

I went back through my checkbook and credit card statements from January and February and added up how many checks I didn't write. (Only for bills, if I used my debit card for something I could have written a check or paid cash for, it didn't count). Assuming $.02/check (buy the discounted box of 200 for $4.00) and $.37/stamp, I saved $10.14 in January and $9.75 in February (26 and 25 checks not written, respectively). That's on track to be $120/year. Not to mention the peace of mind knowing that I wasn't going to accidentally miss a bill/pay late.

Here's the list of things I paid via cc or direct debit: cell phone, credit card bills, car payments, electric, 529 investments, heloc payments, gas, satellite, mortgage, internet, exterminator, life insurance, magazine subscription, telephone, auto insurance, ezpass, AAA. So I'm transferring $19.89 to my challenge, as this is money I would have otherwise spent, and I'll continue tracking through the rest of the year.

1 Responses to “Never added it up before...”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Way to go! I am more of a pencil and paper person so I pay the bills by snail mail. I have free checking and the checks themselves were pretty cheap!

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