Home > Love the new twist on the 52-week challenge

Love the new twist on the 52-week challenge

January 23rd, 2013 at 11:33 pm

When the 52 week challenge first came out I thought "eh". By the time the end if the year comes and I need to put away $40+/week, it's going to have to come from sources I would have been saving anyway, so why bother? But Jeffrey has developed a new twist on the challenge that I like: treat it like a game of Yahtzee...each week you have to save something, but the amount can vary based on what you have available in a given week. (He did a much better job of explaining it then I. See the home page for more info).

So I'm going to start this Friday, and I'm going to try to use sources of money that I normally wouldn't count. For example, I get $20/week allowance, so that will be the base and I'll go from there. Should be fun.

I finished a 100-pt swag survey yesterday, but something happened on the last screen and I didn't get credit for it. That would have put me over the top for my next GC, so hopefully I'll snag it tonight.

I planned out the pay down of my Heloc and mortgage. Using what I think are reasonable assumptions, I should have the Heloc paid off by Dec 2014 and the mortgage done by Aug 2016. Dd goes off to college in September 2017, so that's the ultimate goal, if my current dates slip. It's amazing how real it becomes when you write it down. I did it by hand (I'll transfer to Excel later) so it really registered!

My sister is in town helping me with the kids while hubby is away. So lucky to have such a great support network! I'm looking forward to a yummy dinner, wine, and catching up!

3 Responses to “Love the new twist on the 52-week challenge”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I liked his new twist on the challenge too. I'm just trying to figure how to incorporate it into our financial life. Enjoy your sister!!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Cool twist!

  3. sarah Says:

    I was already doing the challenge but I am going to try this version.

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