Home > Parenting blahs

Parenting blahs

January 14th, 2013 at 03:21 am

Skip to the 2nd half of the entry if you want financial-related thoughts...

At the risk of having the "old-time parents" laugh at me...

Parenting is hard!

And frustrating.

One of the things I love about my job is that I know at the end of the day (or project, or whatever), if I've done a good job. With kids, it's a total crapshoot. DD (14) is going through such a tough time right now...stressed about school (I think the prospect of graduating 8th grade and moving to high school is a bit intimidating). Stressed about her schedule (which is busy but not over the top). And there's no magic answer to make her unstressed. (The "dude, it only gets worse" didn't work, but I am putting that on my "mom of the year" application, LOL).

*Sigh*. If only our kids could see themselves the way we see them.

On to financial musings. I had a productive day today.
- Went to church.
- Then to CVS for conditioner and deoderant, paid with ECBs and a gift card.
- I tried to take DS for a much needed haircut, but they closed 15 minutes earlier Frown.
- I picked up a cd from the library (kids have gotten on the frugal bandwagon, and have sought out library cds to load onto Itunes instead of paying for the songs).
- I also picked up dry cleaning
- and did what I hope is most of the grocery shopping for the week.

The biggest achievement today was that I made dinner at home. DD had a soccer game at 5:00 (refer to schedule stress noted above). The game ended at 6, about 1/2 hour away. We came home and I made dinner instead of grabbing fast food or pizza, as we normally would. I tried out a new vegan recipe (that was dynamite). That part of my 2013 resolutions is going pretty well. And I lost 1 lb this week, as a result of my clean living.

Sorry for the rambling. DD has thrown me for a loop. Looking forward to a quiet week at work and home (fingers crossed).

11 Responses to “Parenting blahs”

  1. laura Says:

    I've got them in 9th, 8th, 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grades. Everyone has projects due that require parental help; throw two kids with dyslexia into the mix and the 8th grade Science Fair project board due on Tuesday. All I did this weekend was homeschool. I can't believe that it is already almost 10:00 and the whole weekend was spent on academia ... So, my point is, I can totally relate!

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    Thanks Laura. That's all I needed. I thought for a minute it was just me.

  3. snafu Says:

    Thank you for your insightful statements...the 3rd one is parenting never ends...24/7. As a parent to two university students it's alarming when they phone late Sunday frustrated with an assignment or in need of financial support. DH and I are pleased they trust us and value our ideas but I sometimes think I'm too tired to think.

  4. laura Says:

    Smile I appreciated your timely post, as well. A bit of camaraderie goes a long way, doesn't it?!

  5. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh, man. Y'all needed to say it gets easier! LOL. We've got a 9-month-old and one who's 2 years 9 months. We just keep telling ourselves it gets easier from here.

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Old time parent here...youre doing fine mom. My mom used to tell me that kids survive inspite of parents...and vis versa. Your library is open on Sunday??? Ours has such few/scattered hours anymore its hard to remember when its open.

    Best gauge...if you'll laugh about it in 10 years, dont sweat it...if you wont, then its time to worry.

  7. PNW Mom Says:

    As the parent of a 21 year old and a 17 1/2 year old I can relate...and yes, even the 21 year old still needs mom and dad! Smile
    Ceejay: It doesn't get easier...but each stage of life is interesting and fun in it's own way Smile
    Ray....our library is open on Sunday for half a day...closed on Monday's since last July due to budget cuts...they said Monday was the slowest day...hard to believe since our county library is supposedly the second busiest in the nation.

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    I have always considered that if both of my kids are still alive at the end of the day, I win. Fed, watered, bathed, and clothed are all extra points. Big Grin

  9. creditcardfree Says:

    With a sophomore daughter, I've noticed that those transition grades, such 5th grade, before 6th grade middle school, are the hardest. The teachers seem to think they are preparing them for when the next school is more difficult. But then it isn't...or maybe it is that they prepared them well! I've just noticed the homework doesn't seem more demanding.

    But with that said, I think the emotions/hormones of the teens/preteens can make some of their projects more difficult than then are. I've learned, that sometimes they need a break, and need to come back to the project at a later time.

    I hope your daughter can find some peace about the transition to high school. It can actually be a very fun time...not to say it doesn't have drama, but they do start becoming more independent.

  10. CB in the City Says:

    My children are raised, married, and raising their own children. They survived an ugly divorce, dealing with a mom and dad who were on opposite ends of the spectrum in about every way, moves -- just over all a lot of instability and disruption. But they are fine young men. It's not just me who thinks so -- everyone tells me that! Believe me, I never would have thought this day was coming when I was in the throes of bringing them up. So take heart. Yes, it's really, really hard, but it does get better, and they will reward you by being amazing adults.

  11. Looking Forward Says:

    Glad to read your post and comments. My DD is 11.5 years and she is being so... like "ugh, MOM!" at everything. I figure I just need to keep plowing through and not take it too much to heart.

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