Home > No-Spend Day

No-Spend Day

January 8th, 2012 at 03:39 am

I had a no-spend day today, second one of the week. I rarely have no-spend days, so this is pretty impressive for me.

Some happenings for the day:

1) I went ahead and transferred the $10 in train savings from earlier in the week to the Heloc. I updated the balances on my sidebar.

2) I found a penny. My first found money of 2012. I added that to the sidebar as well.

3) I received the check in the mail for my 2011 Death Bet winnings. I'll deposit that into the bank on Monday and transfer it to the heloc as well.

4) Tomorrow should be a pretty good day. DD has a soccer game in the afternoon, then I'm heading down to Dad's for dinner. Assuming tomorrow should be another no spend, I'll end the week with at least $5 of my allowance left to put in my "mommy fun" envelope. Woohoo!

5) Hubby's travelling this week, which should make for a cheap grocery week. It's much more casual when he's gone, food-wise. The kids and I will make Bobolis, or scrambled eggs for dinner, and I try to use up whatever we have in the house.

One week down, 51 to go. 2012 is off to a pretty good start...

6 Responses to “No-Spend Day”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Death bet winnings?

  2. mjrube94 Says:

    I won Baselle's 2011 pool. Everyone throws $20 in the pot and predicts which celebrities won't make it to 12/31, and get points based on age. Person with the most points at year end wins. That was me, thanks to Jane Russell, Steve Jobs and Kim Jong-Il. I bit ghoulish perhaps, but you have to have some fun with this stuff...

  3. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Ohh, so that's the death bet pool! Interesting.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    What is train savings? Are you saving up to go somewhere on a train?

  5. mjrube94 Says:

    @Robin, I normally take the train to work, and it costs $10/trip. Last week, I worked late and the company sent me home in a car. I took the $10 I otherwise would have spent on the train and moved it to my HELOC. Every little bit helps...

  6. baselle Says:

    The Grim Reaper hoped you enjoyed the card, and thanked everybody who participated for their care and attention. Big Grin

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