Home > Wednesday happenings

Wednesday happenings

January 5th, 2012 at 04:30 am

Here's the spending for today:

Lunch @ work - $11.75 (It was sushi day, and my last hurrah. Packing lunch tomorrow!)
Post Office - Mailed a book - $2.41
Fruit & Veggie Store - $23.05 (hubby)
CVS - Mailing supplies - $34.88 - $17.50 ECBs
Tickets for the family to a charity basketball game - $51.98

Deposited checks from my dental insurance for the kids' 6 months visit. I had to pay $155 out of pocket, because the insurance only covers flouride treatments once a year. And unfortunately, I underestimated my flexible spending for 2011, so I had none left. I was reimbursed for the rest ($345).

Made an awesome dinner of ground lamb and Greek spices in a pita. I was proud of us for not eating out. I got home late from work, and hubby didn't feel like cooking. It was a pretty easy recipe, so rather than order out, I did the cooking. Quick and delicious. We haven't had any fast food / takeout yet this year (yes, I realize it's only the 4th, but for us that's pretty good).

1 Responses to “Wednesday happenings”

  1. Just a thought Says:

    Will you post the recipe?

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