An unlikely combination, but I got both over the weekend. The friends who came for dinner on Saturday got a high-end (SUPER high end) dishwasher when they remodeled the kitchen. Apparently, the manufacturer recommends Electrasol, so they gave us the Cascade they had on hand. 2 big bottles of liquid, and a box of powder! This will last me for months!
So that was the savings. On the spending side, I went to Kohls on Sunday to buy clothes for ME!! I rarely by clothes for myself, and needed them desparately so I don't feel at all bad about it. Everything was on sale, I had a 20% off coupon, and I used a discounted gift card. I still ended up spending about $250, but got everything I needed.
The only other discretionary spending was for the new Harry Potter movie. It's technically a birthday present for DH. We pre-ordered it over the weekend from Best Buy, and they had the Blu-Ray for $24.99. We're watching it now. I'm not a huge fan, but hubby and the kids dig it, so it's a good family movie night...
Cascade and Clothes
April 19th, 2011 at 02:09 am
April 19th, 2011 at 04:32 am 1303183959