I'm not quite sure why I have it, but I do! It's only in the upper 50s, but sunny, and after all of the miserable weather lately, I'll take it. It also felt like a summer Friday at work. A lot of people were out or left early - a total ghost town. I took advantage of the quiet to get organized at work (I'm on a kick there too), and it's left me totally inspired.
I paid a few of Those bills today - you know, the ones you don't really remember until they're due? I signed the kids up for religious ed next year ($145), and signed DD up for a week of camp at the end of June ($125). Didn't have either of those planned, even though I should have known.
Hubby is going out with the guys tonight, so I'll look at the finances and plan out the rest of the month.
Spring Fever
April 15th, 2011 at 09:51 pm