Home > $76 for gas!!

$76 for gas!!

April 9th, 2011 at 02:04 pm

Full disclaimer - I drive a gas guzzling SUV and it was absolutely on fumes. But still, $76.00 for gas? I've been driving for 23 years and have never paid that much! I don't have the receipt handy, but believe it was $2.69/gallon. Ouch. And this is one of those tough categories to reduce. I could probably do a better job combining trips, and maybe walk to the train station instead of drive (once the weather is nicer), but it's not like I go driving through the countryside for hours at a time just for the view. I'll have to give this some more thought and get creative.

I finally made it to the post office on Friday. The one book should have gone out Monday or Tuesday. I sent it first class, so I'm hoping it gets to the person quickly enough that I don't get bad feedback on half ,com. I have another sale to get out today, along with two books I'm getting rid of through paperbackswap .com.

I've got some shopping to do today. I got 2 Barnes & Noble groupon deals a while back that end on Monday. ($20 credit for $10). I'll take the kids to get some new books, and maybe pick up one for myself Wink. I also have a gift card from Kohls that I bought discounted online, and I need to pick up a few things for myself there.

Speaking of discounted gift cards, I need to go online and pick up a Petsmart gift card, and a JC Penney gift card so I can do some spring clothes shopping for the kids in the next week or two.

The rest of the weekend will be all about cleaning the house and doing the laundry. My dog ripped apart one of his stuffed animals and I have stuffing everywhere!! DD has a soccer game tomorrow too, so her uniform will be in the first load.

5 Responses to “$76 for gas!!”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I think you meant to say $3.69/gallon. We just filled up at $3.43 and we thought it was a bargain.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Gas is $3.98 a gallon here cause i have to use premium.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I dont drive a gas guzzler (Kia Amanti) and I still spent $65 the last time I filled up. Needless to say I am trying to make that last longer by driving less!!!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Just filled up for $3.94 a gallon at the cheap station.

  5. LittleGopher Says:

    Isn't it crazy - I'm only glad I can afford it, grumble as I may. We too have consolidated driving as much as we can, but we still drive a sizable amount, and there's no way around it.

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