Home > $20 Challenge Update

$20 Challenge Update

February 23rd, 2010 at 04:02 am

I'm still around, working hard and trying to watch myself. I'm just about 2 months through the year and am happy to report that I am sticking to the budget! Woohoo! Some categories are up, but they've been offset by others that are down, so overall, it's good.

I didn't forget about my $20 challenge, though I haven't been able to do much for it. I did open a new checking account at Chase, and it came with a $125 bonus! Not too shabby. That'll go right to the old challenge. This is going to serve as my Freedom Account. I wanted to open it at the beginning of the year, but there were no good bonuses, so I held off. Boy, am I glad I did...

I need to tackle the book sales again...

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