Home > Job Shift

Job Shift

October 27th, 2008 at 07:45 pm

I'm taking on a new job soon. Same company, same department, but instead of working by myself, for my boss, I'll have a handful of direct reports and business line responsibility.

I've got mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it's a great opportunity, professionally. Should come with some sort of raise or promotion. On the other hand, I love my current job, and get along great with my boss. Also, I'm part-time now, and the hours really work for me personally. I'm going to stay part-time in this new position (at my request) with the understanding that I can be a bit more flexible with the hours if I need to be.

I'm not sure how realistic that is, given that I'll have a pretty big learning curve, and people reporting to me, but I'll try it out. I've talked it over with hubby and I'm prepared to go back full-time if I feel I need to, but I want to give it a shot this way first. At least if I go back full-time, it'll be like getting a 20% raise (I only work 80% now).

So that's been consuming me a bit lately. Other than that, we've just been moseying along. Just got through the class pictures/fall sports pictures and tried to keep my buying down to a minimum. I think for Christmas, I'll take a few shots of the kids myself and hope one of them pans out, so I don't need to get expensive pictures taken. Seems like an easy place to cut costs.

I had the kids start their birthday and Christmas lists. I'm usually on top of this already and get my shopping done early, but this year, I'm not, which is ok. I"m curious to see how the sales unfold with the economy being what it is. I have to check out a few websites that preview deals to get a feel for black friday and other sales. I definitely want to keep the cost for the holidays DOWN!!!

1 Responses to “Job Shift”

  1. retire@50 Says:

    good luck with the new job

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