Home > Daily musings

Daily musings

August 19th, 2008 at 08:48 pm

I sold a book on 1/ for $2.00 plus shipping. Not much, but better than nothing. Someone also requested a book from me at paperback swap . com, so I need to get that in the mail as well.

Cancelled my newspaper subscription. I love the paper, but I can read it online just as easily. The only thing I'll really miss are the coupons, but it turns out that it would be cheaper to buy the Sunday copy than have it delivered everyday, (if I can't bum coupons off my friends, that is!).

I also changed a service on my cell phone that I was receiving and used, but I didn't love it enough to keep the $15/month charge.

I'm really trying to weed through my expenses and shave them down wherever I can. Next call: insurance company to raise auto deductible to $1000. Slow and steady wins the race...

5 Responses to “Daily musings”

  1. njdebbie Says:

    Your local library may have a coupon exchange program or a coupon bin for the taking.

  2. Amber Says:

    Way to go on cutting back. I only buy the Sunday paper as well but on Mondays because it's .75 cents vs $1.25 on Sundays

  3. retire@50 Says:

    Our paper has a deal where they only deliver the Sunday paper and it's quite a bit cheaper than buying it each Sunday. You might check if your paper has something similar.

  4. cptacek Says:

    Have you tried turning down the hot water heater and turning it up when you need it? It really helps with the gas (or electric) bill. My gas water heater only takes about 10 minutes to really heat up, and during the summer, it doesn't lose that much heat anyway so I can just keep it on the vacation setting for pretty much everything.

  5. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Try for coupons. The site lists what coupons will be in the coming weekend's paper, and you can "buy" whichever individual coupons you want. Gilda (the person who does it) sends the coupons pretty quickly.

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