Home > The cost of eating at work

The cost of eating at work

January 2nd, 2008 at 03:40 am

I just finished getting the things together for the kids' lunchboxes. (Gotta love January 1st. Normally I do this at 7 in the morning as I'm trying to get out the door to work, but not this year!). Anyway, I pulled out my packet of oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow, and packed some healthy things to bring to work for lunch.

I spent over $350 last year eating in the cafeteria. (It's conveniently broken out on our pay stubs). Unbelievable. It didn't seem like that much each time I spent $1 or $2, but it really added up. Curious to see if I can keep this up throughout the year.

I also walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and spent no money, so I'd say I had a pretty good day...

1 Responses to “The cost of eating at work”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    When I worked I kept so much food at my desk my coworkers teased me. But, I kept my food cost down eating out. My bottom drawer was nothing but food-- soup, popcorn, microwavable oatmeal packages, tea, cocoa, my own soda (was over $1 in the machine). Usually I went home for lunch--but if asked to work OT on my lunch hour, I had food. Otherwise, I'd eat from the machine or fast food from next door and just about eat what I earned in OT

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