OK, Christmas stuff is down, holiday dishes put away, etc. (The boxes are all in my living room...I'm going to have hubby bring them downstairs when he gets home!). Big sense of accomplishment there.
I sent in for a Musselman's rebate. It wasn't actually a rebate, instead I got a $3 check good toward my cell phone bill (?!). Sent it in and saw that it was applied to my account today, so that's progress.
I also had to follow up with Chase. I got an offer in our local Val-Pak (coupons) for a $10 check if I paid 3 bills online. So I did that back in September but still haven't received the check. They're researching it and will get back to me.
The other big financial thing is my ongoing battle (may be too strong a word) with Oxford, our health care company. My son is getting speech therapy. I paid $350 for the initial evaluation to a doctor still listed as in-network (so it should only have cost $20). Now, he goes for weekly therapy, with an out-of-network doctor (that they approved at in-network rates, because they don't have a doctor in-network that can do it). She charges me $100/half-hour, and I'll need to submit her invoices to be reimbursed. Again, it should only be my $20 copay, but I don't know if they consider $100 Reasonable and Customary, so I have to see what the deal is there...I hope they resolve it soon, because it's costing me big $$.
So that's the deal for the day.
January 18th, 2007 at 06:37 pm
January 19th, 2007 at 03:14 am 1169176465
January 19th, 2007 at 03:22 am 1169176937
I popped on over to hotcouponworld.com last night for the first time and saw your blog there - cool site, but way too much to take in on one visit!
January 19th, 2007 at 02:40 pm 1169217619
Although I'm not nuts about spending all of that money, I take comfort knowing that our therapist has my son's best interest at heart. When the school finally begins providing services (hopefully next month), she can also help keep tabs to make sure they're coordinated in their therapy, which will hopefully reduce the total time he needs it for. We'll see...
January 19th, 2007 at 09:37 pm 1169242636
January 21st, 2007 at 11:44 pm 1169423066