Home > January 2 success

January 2 success

January 3rd, 2007 at 04:12 pm

Little successes, but they add up. Went on the treadmill again for 20 minutes. Ate pretty well. Transferred music from our cds to my cell phone and hubby's ipod. (We've been meaning to do that for a while, so it was a big accomplishment to get it done). Spent money, but none that was unbudgeted, so I'm still on track after Day 2! Wahoo...

3 Responses to “January 2 success”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Ahhh, getting some stuff done! Isn't it freeing??

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Good for you!

  3. LittleGopher Says:

    You're doing great! Things like your transferred music trip me up too. I want the finished product, but don't want to do the process - ha! (I guess there's a lot of things in life that could apply to.) Anyway, good for you!

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