Home > 3-day weekend

3-day weekend

January 12th, 2006 at 03:15 pm

I hate to wish my days away, but man am I looking forward to this weekend. I have off on Monday for MLK day, so that means a quiet, 3-day weekend for me! DD has basketball Saturday morning, I'm hoping to go to Church Saturday night, and food shopping (by myself!) on Sunday. THAT's IT!! The rest of the weekend will be spent in PJs, puttering around the house. I still need to put away my Christmas stuff, and straighten up a few things.

Bill-wise, I think I'm staying pretty well on track so far. Hubby and I get paid tomorrow, so I'll write out all of the bills for the month and see where I stand. On paper, it looks like I'll be able to put the $1000 toward my HELOC. I'd be thrilled if I could make this goal each month...I really want this bear paid off by the end of the year.

I'm in NYC today, so I'll hit the bookstore at lunch and see what I come up with. Other than that, a quiet day...

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