Home > BJs not bad...

BJs not bad...

January 8th, 2006 at 04:36 pm

I think I'm doing much better with my groceries. My budget is for $500/month (which still seems really high to me, but it's a start). That means I can spend $100/week at the grocery store and $100/month at BJS. My BJs bill yesterday was $94.13 and my grocery store trip last week was $90.xx. So far so good. I've planned my menu for the week, and wrote out my grocery list for this week, and I should be able to stay under $100 again (although that needs to include the grocery store and the fruit/veggie store). I also started updating my price book again and it's already paid off, as there were a few deals in this week's sale paper that I normally would have thought were good deals and now see they're not.

I went to Toys R Us yesterday, and brought gifts for 4 birthdays this month. I had some gift cards, so the total out of pocket was about $35.xx. No other expenses, as expected. Today I'm going to dad's, he'll spring for dinner...

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