Home > Fractured Toe

Fractured Toe

January 6th, 2006 at 05:48 pm

Hubby has a fractured toe. We thought he just stubbed it really badly, but it's been about a week and not getting much better, so he went to the Orthopedist. $20 copay covered by FSA, but at least now it's taped and will be getting better eventually...

I filled up the car today. I'm really digging this Shell Mastercard. My first statement came and I received over $57 in credits that will be applied against my next bill. Most of this came from the 15% rebate on Shell gas (3% on everything else - 1st 60 days) so while it won't last forever, I'll be happy for whatever I get.

I also filled out the reimbursement form for my parking. When I work in NYC, it costs me $20/day to park. I now have the money taken out of my paycheck pre-tax, then file the claim with them to be reimbursed. I haven't figured out yet how I get my money (I think it shows up in my next paycheck?). Painless process, all done online. Good deal.

Other money spent today: $4 on lunch, $10 dues for a local club, and $100 for DD's softball registration. The big hit will come after work today when I stop by BJs. I haven't been for a while, and could stand to stock up on a few things. I'll be thrilled if I can keep it under $150. I also need to hit ToysRUs for 3 birthday presents. I have some gift cards, though, so cash out-of-pocket should be minimal.

This weekend should be pretty low-spend, too. The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow (thank goodness!) but that should be the only cash out. We're going to dinner at our friend's house tomorrow night, but we already have a bottle of wine to bring. Sunday, I'm heading to my dad's to do his shopping and have dinner with him. So other than gas/tolls, that should be no-spend, too. Have a great weekend everyone...

5 Responses to “Fractured Toe”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Sorry to hear about the fractured toe. It really is a bummer. I hurt my knee two years ago and getting around was a pain. Hope the DH is better soon.

  2. It's my first visit to your website. After just a quick browse, I'm really impressed! Says:

    It's my first visit to your website. After just a quick browse, I'm really impressed!

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