Home > Maxed Out

Maxed Out

January 13th, 2011 at 03:32 am

I had one of those rare nights without a ton of stuff to do, so I rented the documentary Maxed Out. It's all about the predatory practices of credit card companies and the crushing debt that people have found themselves in. Wow! I found it really interesting. I went in with the mindset of "let the buyer beware" and people need to take responsibility for their own choices and all of that. Clearly in some of the cases they highlighted, the people were in no position to understand the impact of what they were doing, and were sold a bill of goods. And the debt collection guys (and girls) could not have come across as bigger sleazebags. Amazing that people do this for a living. I'd have to come home and shower after work!

I've been wanting to watch it for awhile. I ended getting it for free. I received a $5 credit for Amazon on demand thanks to some DVDs I ordered from there as Christmas. It cost $2.99 for a 48-hour rental, so I still have enough for another movie.

It was a really quiet day. Snow day for the kids, so we were inside, I got some laundry done, made a great dinner, and just hung out and puttered. My favorite kind of day...

4 Responses to “Maxed Out”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I too love the days when I can just putz at my pace. Your blog reminded me that I received an amazon freebie too...Smile Thanks for the reminder!!!

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    I've seen Maxed Out, I enjoyed it. It's been a while now, I can't recall many of the details.

  3. tripods68 Says:

    I need to watch it...thanks.

  4. Looking Forward Says:

    I love those kind of days too. Smile

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