Home > Identity Protector

Identity Protector

July 7th, 2006 at 03:01 am

A few weeks ago, I cashed a $15 check to enroll in Citibank's credit protector 30-day free trial. They must have thought I was a good find, because they just sent me a $10 check to sign up for their identity theft 30-day free trial. I'm disciplined enough to cancel before the 30 days, so I'm thinking of doing it.

(By the way, re: the credit protector, they normally charge $.89/$100 balance. In the promo materials, they say they waive it for people that pay their balance in full, but when I received the materials, it wasn't anywhere in there. I'm going to call and cancel tomorrow, and see what exactly the deal is).

Other than that, a pretty uneventful day. Hubby's friend is visiting for the night, so we ordered takeout Greek food ($30). We have a pretty quiet weekend planned. Sister and nephew are coming for a sleepover tomorrow, and hubby's friend from HS will be here with his family Saturday. I'll need to check the freezer to see what I can cook. We may go raspberry, blackberry and peach picking on Sunday.

Hope everyone is well...

1 Responses to “Identity Protector”

  1. StressLess Says:

    On the Credit Protector--They seem to figure the fee on the balance at your statement date. So I try to pay off my balance just BEFORE the statement date hits. Don't forget you can call and ask for the $50 in rebate checks. ($10 rebate each month for 5 months.) Have fun with it. Smile

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