Home > Gift Card Offers

Gift Card Offers

January 7th, 2011 at 01:43 am

No entry yesterday. I had a bad day at work, ended up staying late, and ordering pizza for dinner. (Cooking the chicken I had out was SO unappealing, and my DH let me choose the pizza topping to make me feel better)! Anyway, I had no interest in getting on the computer at all.

Today was much better, though. I sold another dvd on half. com, and won two gift card offers through my work's corporate perks program. The first was $25 off a $50 Foot Locker gift card, and the second was $25 off a $50 Walmart online order. I'm in the running for 2 more tonigh - a $50/$100 Home Depot and a $50/$100 Amazon. They're tough to win, but I'll try.

One bummer - a half .com member wrote me and said she received an empty envelope that she thinks had one of my DVDs and was looking for a refund. She's going to confirm my address, and if it's mine I'll give the refund. Bummer, but I don't want my rating to take a hit.

I didn't make it to the post office (again) today. But it's on the agenda for first thing tomorrow, before we get buried in the snow. I have 2 half .com dvds, a paperbackswap .com book, and dvds for secondspin .com. I also need to check into SEPs for DH. Busy, busy...

2 Responses to “Gift Card Offers”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good call on getting the buyer to confirm your address before offering refund. Could be you won't hear back from them if it wasn't legit.

  2. retire@50 Says:

    hi, I sent you an email directly - I think, you might check your junk mail Smile

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