Home > Utility Update

Utility Update

September 11th, 2008 at 08:23 pm

Got the gas bill today. Usage was slightly higher than same month last year, and about 25% higher than last month, due to the few times we ran the pool heater. Overall, on my budget billing, I still owe $102 more than they've billed me, but I should make that up next month (assuming comparable usage to this month). That will give me an additional month or two to get ahead and lower my bill the next time they reset the amount.

I am almost done reading an interesting book called "A year without Made In China". Took it out of the library. A woman tried to go 1 year without buying anything from China. Very difficult with a 1 year old and 4 year old, considering that clothes, shoes, toys, etc. are ALL made in China. It's an interesting read. I doubt (in fact I know) that I wouldn't make it past January 15th. Way too hard. And even in her case, it seems like she's just putting off purchasing stuff from China until after the year is up. Interesting read anyway.

My daughter is in 4th grade and wants to play the flute. This is the first year they offer band, and she seems into it. We can rent the equipment, but it seems like even with that option, it's pretty pricey (~$100 commitment to start). Does anyone have experience with this? I'd be interested to hear how the costs add up...

2 Responses to “Utility Update”

  1. nanda603 Says:

    I have purchased instruments on ebay for less than the yearly rental. Resell later if you want or need to. You can also try your local

  2. greengirl Says:

    eh... doesn't really seem like she's going the 'whole hog' if she's putting off buying things until the year is up - sort of like cheating!

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